Monthly Archives: June 2013

Vertical Stroke

Vertical Stroke The first of the 6 primary strokes is the vertical stroke. The vertical stroke is represented using the right arm and hand… Continue reading

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Chapter 1 – Sentence 6

The Art of War: Chapter 1 – Sentence 6 This page contains my translation of Sentence 6 of Chapter 1: The general embodies the virtues of wisdom, trustworthiness, benevolence, courage, and discipline… Continue reading

Posted in Sunzi - Art of War | Comments closed

Subdivisions of Nature – Chinese

Subdivisions of Nature – Chinese For native speakers of English, it seems so natural to recognize the world, and the organization of time and space, to be subdivided into groups of 4 that it is quite inconceivable to consider the idea that there could be any question but that this is the way the world […]

Posted in The Dao | Comments closed