Monthly Archives: June 2013


Strokes Although Chinese characters are based on pictures, the pictures are no longer as free-form as paintings. In other words, originally, people were free to draw the pictures as personal works of art. Now, however, the characters have long since become standardized into a fixed set of allowed markings, known as strokes. Characters have become […]

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Chapter 1 – Sentence 5

The Art of War: Chapter 1 – Sentence 5 This page contains my translation of Sentence 5 of Chapter 1: Earth encompasses those aspects of nature that relate to the earth, and that are not subject to much change, except by the influence of human behavior, such as whether the distance is far or near, […]

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Chinese Character Components

Chinese Character Components Chinese characters arose from pictures. There are a small number of standardized pictures in Chinese, known in English as radicals. Most pictures are made up of 1 or more radicals. Once we know the various radicals that are available, it becomes much easier to recognize the combination of pictures that compose a […]

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