Category Archives: The Dao

Language – Part 1

Language – Part 1 What is language? Language is the tool that enables members of our species to internalize, to represent, to manipulate, and to communicate our awareness of relationships that exist in nature. And what is nature… Continue reading

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Subdivisions of Nature – Chinese

Subdivisions of Nature – Chinese For native speakers of English, it seems so natural to recognize the world, and the organization of time and space, to be subdivided into groups of 4 that it is quite inconceivable to consider the idea that there could be any question but that this is the way the world […]

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Subdivisions of Nature – English

Subdivisions of Nature – English Let us begin by becoming better aware of the degree of difference in relating to the world and to the perceived structure of nature between speakers of English and speakers of Chinese. This will enable us to begin to recognize the complexity of the obstacles that we are facing in […]

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