Category Archives: Sunzi – Art of War

Chapter 1 – Sentence 16

The Art of War: Chapter 1 – Sentence 16 This page contains my translation of Sentence 16 of Chapter 1: If your opponent has an advantage, bait him. If he is in disorder, attack him. If he is solid, prepare for him. If he is strong, evade him. If he is angry, goad him. If […]

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Chapter 1 – Sentence 15

The Art of War: Chapter 1 – Sentence 15 This page contains my translation of Sentence 15 of Chapter 1: Therefore, when able to attack, appear unable; when deploying troops, appear inactive; when near, appear far; when far, appear near… Continue reading

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Chapter 1 – Sentence 14

The Art of War: Chapter 1 – Sentence 14 This page contains my translation of Sentence 14 of Chapter 1: War is the way of deception… Continue reading

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