Category Archives: Sunzi – Art of War

Chapter 1 – Sentence 13

The Art of War: Chapter 1 – Sentence 13 This page contains my translation of Sentence 13 of Chapter 1: Utilizing such advantage, force can be used to establish control… Continue reading

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Chapter 1 – Sentence 12

The Art of War: Chapter 1 – Sentence 12 This page contains my translation of Sentence 12 of Chapter 1: Calculate any advantage by listening to ongoing updates of the current situation on the battlefield, and as necessary redeploy force to assist with the situation… Continue reading

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Chapter 1 – Sentence 11

The Art of War: Chapter 1 – Sentence 11 This page contains my translation of Sentence 11 of Chapter 1: If a general listens to and follows my advice, he will surely achieve victory; such a general should be retained. If a general does not listen to and follow my advice, he will surely suffer […]

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