
In this section, I would like to discuss Chinese characters. Chinese characters are in daily use by more than one and a half billion people, mostly living in China and Japan. In addition, Chinese characters are very important to students of Chinese and Japanese around the world.

Most people do not understand how best to learn Chinese characters. Most people do not realize that characters tell a story, and that their stories often identify and elucidate their meanings, as well as making it easier to recall and understand them.

The same is true for English words. English words tell a story, and analysis of words helps identify their meaning, as well as making it easier to recall and understand them.

The types of stories, and the structure of the stories, are very different, reflecting the tremendous differences in culture between speakers of English and speakers of Chinese.

In these pages, we will explore the types of stories that Chinese characters tell, learn numerous Chinese characters, learn how to remember Chinese characters, and learn quite a bit about Chinese culture.