Chapter 1 – Sentence 10


(1) Which of the two sovereigns is imbued with the Moral law? (2) Which of the two generals has most ability? (3) With whom lie the advantages derived from Heaven and Earth? (4) On which side is discipline most rigorously enforced? (5) Which army is stronger? (6) On which side are officers and men more highly trained? (7) In which army is there the greater constancy both in reward and punishment? By means of these seven considerations I can forecast victory or defeat.



To do so, ask these 7 questions: Which ruler is more in line with the Dao, and is in greater harmony and has more unity with his people? Which general has the greater ability? Which general has the better situation with respect to the benefits of the heavens and the earth? Which general has the more capable command structure? Which general has the stronger army? Which general has better trained officers and men? Which general has a more clear system of rewards and punishments? From these, I can predict who will achieve victory and who will suffer defeat.


Traditional Chinese



Simplified Chinese



Pin Yin

yuē: zhǔ shú yǒu dào? jiàng shú yǒu néng? tiān dì shú dé? fǎ lìng shú xíng? bīng zhòng shú qiáng? shì zú shú liàn? shǎng fá shú míng?
wú yǐ cǐ zhī shèng fù yǐ.


Say: Ruler which has Dao?
General which has ability?
Heavens earth which benefits?
Organization command which capable?
Army horde which strong?
Officers warriors which trained?
Rewards punishment which clear?
I by these know victory defeat.


曰: 道,
Say: Ruler which has Dao?


General which has ability?


Heavens earth which benefits?


Organization command which capable?


Army horde which strong?


Officers warriors which trained?


Rewards punishment which clear?


I by these know


victory defeat {emphasis}.


{Ask}: Ruler, which has (the) Dao? General, which has (more) ability? Heavens Earth, which has (more benefits)? Command structure, which is (more) capable? Army horde, which is strong(er)? Officers warriors, which is (more) trained? Rewards punishments which (is more) clear? I by these know (who will achieve) victory (and who will suffer ) defeat.

Ask: Which ruler (is more in line with the) Dao? Which general has (more) ability? Which (army) has (more benefits of the) heavens (and) earth? Which (army) has a more capable command structure? Which army (is) stronger? Which (army has better) trained officers (and) warriors? Which (general has a more) clear (system of) rewards (and) punishments? From these, I (can) {predict} (who will achieve) victory (and who will suffer) defeat.

To do this, ask {these 7 questions}: Which ruler is more in line with the Dao, and is in greater harmony and has more unity with his people? Which general has the greater ability? Which general has the better situation with respect to the benefits of the heavens and the earth? Which general has the more capable command structure? Which general has the stronger army? Which general has better trained officers and men? Which general has a more clear system of rewards and punishments? From these, I can predict who will achieve victory and who will suffer defeat.

To do so, ask these 7 questions: Which ruler is more in line with the Dao, and is in greater harmony and has more unity with his people? Which general has the greater ability? Which general has the better situation with respect to the benefits of the heavens and the earth? Which general has the more capable command structure? Which general has the stronger army? Which general has better trained officers and men? Which general has a more clear system of rewards and punishments? From these, I can predict who will achieve victory and who will suffer defeat.