Thus do many calculations lead to victory, and few calculations to defeat: how much more no calculation at all!
Much planning leads to victory. Little planning leads to defeat. Imagine the situation where there is no planning!
Traditional Chinese
Simplified Chinese
Pin Yin
ér kuàng yū wú suàn hū.
Many plans victory, few plans not victory,
situation no plans (emphasis).
situation no plans (emphasis).
多 | 算 | 勝, |
Many | plans | victory, |
少 | 算 | 不 | 勝, |
few | plans | not | victory, |
而 | 況 | 於 |
situation |
無 | 算 | 乎。 |
no | plans | (emphasis). |
Much planning (leads to) victory, little planning (leads to) not victory, (imagine the) situation (with) no planning (emphasis).
Much planning leads to victory. Little planning leads to defeat. Imagine the situation where there is no planning!