The Art of War – Chapter 1


Sunzi says: War is an important matter to the State. The life or death of the people depends on it. The survival or extinction of the state depends on it. The subject of war must therefore be thoroughly investigated.

How shall we investigate war? The DaoDeJing identifies the 5 stages of the Dao, the principles of which we will use as the basis for investigation. We will use calculations to compare the opposing generals in terms of the principles of the Dao. From this, we will be able to understand their respective situations. The 5 stages of the Dao are 1) the Dao, 2) the Heavens, 3) the Earth, 4) the Generals, and 5) Organization.

The Dao leads the people to be of one will with their ruler, such that they are willing to live or die with him, in spite of any danger.

The heavens encompasses those aspects of nature that are controlled by the heavens, those aspects of nature that are subject to constant change on their own, outside of human control, such as the natural alternating flow between night and day, the more random fluctuation between cold and hot, and the natural flow through the seasons.

Earth encompasses those aspects of nature that relate to the earth, and that are not subject to much change, except by the influence of human behavior, such as whether the distance is far or near, whether the road is dangerous or safe, whether the passes are wide or narrow, and whether crossing the distance leads to death or life.

The general embodies the virtues of wisdom, trustworthiness, benevolence, courage, and discipline.

Organization entails such as the Qu system, the organization of the army and its units of men; the officer path, the organization of officers and their levels of authority; and the organization of the army’s primary uses, organization into units of men that do such as handle money, supplies, and infrastructure.

All generals have heard of these 5 principles of the Dao; those who understand them will achieve victory, whereas those who do not will fail.

A side by side comparison of the generals will enable us to understand their respective situations.

To do so, ask these 7 questions: Which ruler is more in line with the Dao, and is in greater harmony and has more unity with his people? Which general has the greater ability? Which general has the better situation with respect to the benefits of the heavens and the earth? Which general has the more capable command structure? Which general has the stronger army? Which general has better trained officers and men? Which general has a more clear system of rewards and punishments? From these, I can predict who will achieve victory and who will suffer defeat.

If a general listens to and follows my advice, he will surely achieve victory; such a general should be retained. If a general does not listen to and follow my advice, he will surely suffer defeat; such a general should be dismissed.

Calculate any advantage by listening to ongoing updates of the current situation on the battlefield, and as necessary redeploy force to assist with the situation.

Utilizing such advantage, force can be used to establish control.

War is the way of deception.

Therefore, when able to attack, appear unable;
when deploying troops, appear inactive;
when near, appear far;
when far, appear near.

If your opponent has an advantage, bait him.
If he is in disorder, attack him.
If he is solid, prepare for him.
If he is strong, evade him.
If he is angry, goad him.
If he is humble, encourage arrogance.
If he is resting, force exertion.
If he is united, divide him.

Attack where he is unprepared. Appear where he does not expect.

These are military leaders’ ways to victory. They cannot be fully determined in advance, but must include reaction to circumstances in the field.

A general who plans for victory in his battlefield tent before battle will plan much.
A general who does not plan for victory in his battlefield tent before battle will plan little.

Much planning leads to victory. Little planning leads to defeat. Imagine the situation where there is no planning!

By observing this, I can predict victory or defeat!